The following downloads are available to OPAS customers. |
NHS Contract Pricing |
Updated yearly |
GP Listing |
Updated quarterly |
* updated
29 Nov 2024 |
HSA5 form |
current revision 0908 |
WF1 form |
current revision 0908 |
Bank Holiday Dates |
up to the end of 2029
No one should be in OPAS when extracting these files |
When you click on any of these options, depending on how your computer is configured, you will be given the option to either save or run a self extracting zip file (if you only have the option to save, then select that option and then you can double click on the file to extract it).
When you extract the files they will automatically go into the correct place within OPAS.
Click on Unzip. Once you have had the message that the files have been unzipped successfully, click on OK and Close to finish.
The download will update the main OPAS system. Therefore it only needs to be done once, and not by every machine using OPAS. |
Bank Holiday Dates |
Once you have run the Bank Holiday File, go to Utilities - Upgrade in OPAS where you will be given the option to select England, Northern Ireland or Scotland dates. |
Downloads Login
As the NHS Contract Pricing and GP Listing includes confidential information you must log into our secure area to be able to download these. |
Login to gain access to these downloads. If you have not already got a user name and password, then click on 'Request Password' below. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a reminder by sending us an email. |